There are many ways in which you can get involved with alumni activities and stay connected with the IJ family.

Be a Speaker at the next Career Seminar
Every year the alumni organizes a career seminar for the Secondary 4 and 5 graduating students. It's an important time for these girls as they think about the career paths they may wish to pursuit. We need ex IJ girls from different fields to come and talk about their professions and give the girls valuable insight to help them make some important decisions as they come to the end of their secondary school years. If you would like to be a speaker at the next seminar please contact us.

YES, I would like to contribute at the Career Seminar >

Share A Talent
The Alumni plans events for both current students and alumni members. These include reunion dinners, post exam activities, seminars and mentoring. We hope to organize a wider range of actvities, such as movie nights, for alumni members in future. If you have a talent, expertise or just some available time and would like to be involved in organizing such activities please get in touch with us.

YES, I would like to contribute by sharing my talent >