2020 News & Events - ARCHIVE
IJHCC - Children’s Day celebration
OCT 2020
In view of Covid-19, CHIJ Alumni was unable to organise the yearly activity in conjunction with the IJHCC (Infant Jesus Homes & Children’s Centres). In place of this, the Alumni sponsored Popular Bookstore gift vouchers for the children at IJHCC as part of their Children’s Day celebration in 2020. We look forward to organising the yearly events once the Covid restrictions are lifted.

CHIJ Alumni Tote Bags
OCT 2020
The new CHIJ Alumni Tote Bags have been launched on our website! You can pre-order them from now till 16 October 2020.
Click here to order the bags now
Be a Speaker at the Virtual Career Seminar 2020
1 Sep 2020
Every year the alumni organizes a career seminar for the Secondary 4 students. It's an important time for these girls as they think about the career paths they may wish to pursuit.
Find out more
Welcome to our new CHIJ Alumni website
AUG 2020
Welcome to the refreshed website! We are pleased to offer some fresh features making it quicker and easier to stay connected with us:
- Be amongst the first to be notified of the latest events as well as pre-ordering special CHIJ memorabilia
- Members can now update their latest contact information
- From 1 Apr – 30 Jun each year, parents can now download the P1 Phase 2A(1) Letter via the membership portal
- We also have a comprehensive FAQ section to answer most of the questions you might have
- Existing members will receive an email to access the membership portal for the first time.
If you are not a member, click the button below to join the CHIJ Alumni.

AGM 2020 [Postponement]
10 Feb 2020
In view of the new DORSCON level of orange, we regret to inform you that the AGM scheduled for 15 February 2020 has been postponed to 29 February 2020.
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